Thursday, 24 May 2012

Cardiovascular System

Cardiovascular System

The heart uses four valves to ensure that the blood flows in only one direction, healthy valves close and open in coordination of the action of your hearts atria and ventricles.

The vascular system can redistribute blood to parts of your body that are in immediate demand of blood and it can also avoid parts of the body that are not in that much demand of blood. 

During my investigation of my heart and my breathing rate, I measured my resting heart rate which was 68 as well as my resting breathing rate which was 28 after that we then went on to play some sports for a couple of minutes to see what would happen after I moved my body around a lot I took my heart rate measurements again but this time I 80 and my breathing rate was 34.

My measurements for my heart rate increased because my body was under constant movement and my body was in demand of more oxygen also my breathing rate increased because my muscles where performing heavy work, when receptors in the brain stem become aware of this they will send signals to the lungs and associated muscles to increase the rate of breathing.

During the exercise our blood pressures increased because of the demand of blood in the muscles without the right amount of blood in the body or the muscles they may seize to function properly.

1 comment:

  1. You have independently investigated the short term effects of exercise on the cardiorespiratory system. However to achieve P2 and M2 you must also investigate the changes to the musculoskeletal system.
    This post has also provided some evidence for M1 as you have explained why these changes have occurred.
