Thursday, 13 September 2012

Anerobics & Aerobics


Anerobic - Football

Football is an anerobic sport that uses the following componets withing anerobics ATP - PC, ATP - PC is a short burst of energy and power being released from players also the players must be able to have the capacity to recover quickly.

It is not used throughout the whole period of the match only the times where players will attempt to recover the ball or make an attack towards the opposing team not just that ATP - PC will also activate during the times where players will make a shot or when the keeper comes out.

It is ATP - PC because within football it is never constant walking around your always on the run chasing after the ball or attack, ATP - PC last up to 15 seconds this is because it requires phosohate creatine, phosphate creatine burns very fast while sprinting, which increase your speed and power for an extra boost till the end of the match or during the period of extra time they also use aerobic during the game as well. 

Energy requirements for the ATP - PC system it requires a intake of calories and food types these are the only energy requirements,this needs to be a balance of carbohydrates and proteins, this balanced out diet will prepare you for the hight instense energy burst the ATP - PC will produce with in your system.

Aerobic - Rowing

Rowing is an aerobic sport because as you row your muscles's demand for oxygen will begin to increase, when the oxygen starts to get used carbon dioxide will start to build up in your blood, the aerobic benifits of rowing are your body gets worked aerobically with in ay type of sport that reqiures your body to use a high amount of oxgyen to help your muscles function.

Changes that occur over time your body starts to adjust to the anerobic training and is potentially able to produces a higher amount of movement, rowing is good for you arebocially because you're body is forced to repeat the same amount of movements in doing so it builds momentum and increase your heart rate when training for a long period of time.

Boxing - Aerobic

The Aerobic energy system is also used in boxing this system will be used when your gliding around the ring A big part of boxing that is needed is endurance, endurance is the ability to remain active for a long period of time, for this to be possible you need to have a high amount of energy. Energy is produced by Oxygen and Glucose. You would also probably use the anaerobic energy system in boxing sometimes.

Boxers should eat plenty of carbohydrates and protein. Protein is need for the muscle repairs and muscle growth, if you dont get enough of the  protein your muscles will be sore and your performance levels will drop down 

.Protein shakes are great after a workout. As they help help you recover after your work out there good for the muscle.

100m Sprint

The Anaerobic system helps in supplying in the energy for activities requiring a large amount of energy lasting up to an average of 2 minutes this is for the trained athletes.The 400m race is know as a sprint as the change in intensity is really high from the point athletes get off 

The Anaerobic lactic system is in constant so that the human body is able to handle the high intensity exercise or activities but there's not enough oxygen to be transported round quick enough due to this a large amount of lactic acid builds up within the cells and blood. Getting rid of lactic acid is a much slower process than replacing the energy stores in the Anaerobic alactic system. it may potentially take more than an hour for the lactic acid levels to return to the level that they were before the exercise.

A light activity or exercise will increase the speed in which the lactic acid is removed the first 10 minutes of the activity reduce the levels in the lactic acid.  

1 comment:

  1. This is a good post that has described and explained the energy systems used within 4 different activities.
    P5 M4
